July 14, 2007

Mitch & Roland: #25 Scrabble

I love a good board game, and it's been a while since I since I've had a chance to face off against a worthy opponent. Three of my favorites are Scrabble, Risk, and Monopoly. The ones that take a bit of time to play and anger the blood.

I wonder if we combined them, would they become the greatest game ever? I call it "Scrabbopolisk. The object of the game would be to purchase and build hotels on all countries of the world, while maintaining strategic word chains between continents. You'd pay luxury tax on triple word scores, and you would pick up a risk card when you play a word on the community chest. Here would be a typical example of the game in play:

"Radish. 12 points with double word score."
"I'm sorry, you played the 'h' across Madagascar. You owe me $220."
"Damn it. I'll have to mortgage the word Siamese again!"
"Tough luck. Pay up."
"Here you are. I'm going to fortify my utilities now. Your turn."
"Three. 1,2, 3. Aww... Risk card! You've won second place in a beauty pageant. Attack Siam."

And so on.


Anonymous said...

Man, a hilarious rant AND a Mitch and Roland....if its possible to OD on hilariousness, I need MY stomach pumped!

Anonymous said...

This one time Roland ate Monopoly, but the doctors only pumped out Connect 4...