March 22, 2007

This is the day you lose control...

I think we've all been in this situation at one time or another. You've gambled with your bathroom breaks all day and it's now or never. Actually, there's no getting around it - it's now.

The last 50 meters to your house have been a 'knees-together' sprint and your shirt collar is a wet ring of sweat. You're usually carrying a bunch of stuff and when one fumbles out of your hands, you risk leaving it behind and never look back.

You work frantically with your keys at the door and your guts begin groaning like a haunted ship on the waves. Once inside you dare not bend over to unlace your shoes, so you dash for the washroom and pray that it isn't occupied.

I think we can agree it's one of the most urgent and frightening moments a person can experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NOTHING groans quite like a haunted ship on the waves...