We've all seen commercials for prescription drugs on TV where we watch scenes of people "living life to the fullest" while a voice over rattles off an obscene list of side effects. Side effects that seem to easily outweigh the benefits of the drug. Well, I may have just seen the most astonishing one yet.
It's a little product called "Ambien CR", and it's supposed to help people with sleeping problems and insomnia, so they can fall asleep quickly and then stay asleep throughout the night. Sounds straightforward, right? Well buckle up.
Side effects (and I double checked with their website) may include: headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, memory loss, travelers amnesia (if taken during a flight), abdominal and muscle cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat, sweating, shakiness, seizures-
Okay, woah! What the hell? Already, I think I'll try to fall asleep on my own; being tired ain't so bad. I can't imagine enjoying a full night's sleep if all day I find myself with a throbbing headache, shaking, falling down, throwing up, and forgetting stuff! And yet it continues...
Not only is there a danger of becoming addicted to this drug, but it can also cause changes in a person's thinking and behavior. More side effects include: outgoing or aggressive behavior, confusion, strange behavior, agitation, hallucinations, worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts-
I would say that we sailed past "not worth it" somewhere around amnesia, but this is utter insanity. I've never heard of a sleep aid possibly causing suicidal thoughts. Good lord. That would be like "Pepto Bismol" causing hopelessness and self mutilation.
So - if I have this straight - this is a sleep medication that may result in you being sweaty and in pain, aching and cramping, confused and uncoordinated, out of breath with loose bowels, seeing things that aren't there, vomiting angrily, acting depressed or strange then forgetting about it, and wanting to kill yourself.
But you'll sleep like a baby.
What ever happened to warm milk, or even copious amounts of gravol!?
Who has time to heat milk? Nothing says convenience like popping a pill and then riding the symptom train to dreamland.
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