August 23, 2010

Monday Movie Challenge - Round II

It's that time again!

Here's another movie type game thing that I thought up while bored at work. I call it "Movies Associated". The basic idea is that I give you a movie title where all the words are replaced with new words that you might associate with the previous words. It could be opposites, synonyms, or just related words. For example, the clue Baked Blue Bananas would actually be Fried Green Tomatoes. Or Diamond-Toe would be Goldfinger. I think you get the idea.

So take a shot at naming all the movies listed below and feel free to throw some back at me. Also, since I'm going to try and do this weekly (try being the key word), I'm trying to think of an elegant solution for posting the previous weeks answers in a way that will keep it hidden for those who haven't played yet, or for those who don't wish to accidentally read them. Any suggestions on that would be welcome too. I'm sure there's an obvious solution, but I'm a little slow. Peace!
  1. The Filthy Twelve
  2. The Infinite Tale
  3. Steel Small
  4. German Cake
  5. The Ocean Tame
  6. Dentist Yes
  7. The Wire Dude
  8. Poor-stomach Hill
  9. Battle Stick
  10. Knife Jogger
  11. Ass Door
  12. The Deaf Edge
  13. The Tennis Agendas
  14. White Goat
  15. Tired Full
  16. The Powerful Chickens
  17. The Clock Contraption
  18. Waking Pretty
  19. Pencil-face
  20. Beast Mansion
  21. Absurd Math
  22. Red Silk
  23. A Sexy Brain
  24. Severed Pointer
  25. Hate As-a-matter-of-fact
NOTE: I've added the answers below! I wouldn't want you to lose sleep over it.

  • The Filthy Twelve >>> The Dirty Dozen
  • The Infinite Tale >>> The Neverending Story
  • Steel Small >>> Iron Giant
  • German Cake >>> American Pie
  • The Ocean Tame >>> The River Wild
  • Dentist Yes >>> Dr. No
  • The Wire Dude >>> The Cable Guy
  • Poor-stomach Hill >>> Brokeback Mountain
  • Battle Stick >>> Fight Club
  • Knife Jogger >>> Blade Runner
  • Ass Door >>> Rear Window
  • The Deaf Edge >>> The Blind Side
  • The Tennis Agendas >>> The Basketball Diaries
  • White Goat >>> Black Sheep
  • Tired Full >>> Sleepy Hollow
  • The Powerful Chickens >>> The Mighty Ducks
  • The Clock Contraption >>> The Time Machine
  • Waking Pretty >>> Sleeping Beauty
  • Pencil-face >>> Eraserhead
  • Beast Mansion >>> Animal House
  • Absurd Math >>> Weird Science
  • Red Silk >>> Blue Velvet
  • A Sexy Brain >>> A Beautiful Mind
  • Severed Pointer >>> Broken Arrow
  • Hate As-a-matter-of-fact >>> Love Actually


    kingshearte said...

    I'll have to give these some more consideration when I'm not all tired from traveling, but my suggestion for posting the answers is to post them in white. That way, people will only be able to see it if they highlight it, so there should be no accidents.

    RyHoMagnifico said...

    Yeah, what kingshearte said. You could just use a span, like this:

    (span style="background: blue; color: blue")Enter the text here.(/span)

    Replace ( with < and ) with >.

    I think you'll be able to use something like this and just tell people to highlight the area.

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the suggestions but after toying with it for a while I went with something else. It's not that I didn't like the idea, it's that I suck so much at html that I couldn't even manage something so simple and I kept bumbling it up with spacing, text size, fonts, and just about everything that could go wrong did.

    Go team!

    RyHoMagnifico said...

    It's cool. The separate page does the trick anyway!

    As for this week's challenge, I'm still stumped on Tired Full!

    Also, if I'm right about number 11 then you are an evil man! I'm completely shocked that someone else knows this movie, haha.

    Anonymous said...

    If you don't figure out Tired Full, you're going to have a face palm moment next week, I assure you.

    Also, I didn't think number 11 was so obscure. Perhaps you are mistaken?

    Also also, has no one a challenge in return? Curious.

    Your Brother said...

    Biddy Walk, Abstruseness of the Jumping Seafood, My Husbands Family, Sovereign Journal, Sea Men Planet: The Movie, Negro Epidermis

    cole d'arc said...

    ryan> no wonder i was confused when you mentioned this last night - i thought you were talking about the last round. i hadn't seen this yet. i'll have to give this a closer look soon and see what i can do.