I'm here now to introduce a new feature of the blog that is powered by my love for movies. I call it "Movie Math". To give a quick rundown of the rules, we shall measure each movie on a scale of 0-100 points, but begin with 50 points to keep all films on a level playing field, adding and subtracting from there based on its merits or lameness. So come with me, won't you, as we sum up the value of various films. Today we tackle Jumper.
The hero of the film is played by Hayden Christensen, a person that seems to live in a charisma vacuum and is devoid of any, if not all, personality.....- 5 points.
Samuel L. Jackson plays the villian.....+ 7 points
Jumping sequences are edited deliberately to make the action disorienting.....- 12 points.
A double decker bus was used as a projectile..... + 5 points.
The song "Jump" by the Pointer Sisters was not used..... - 6 points.
The movie will almost certainly have a sequel, and it might be called something ridiculous like "Jumper: The Jumpening" or "Jump Harder"..... - 8 points.
The protagonist, instead of doing heroic things, mostly acts like a lazy douchebag..... - 10 points.
Did I mention that Samuel L. Jackson uses an electric grappling spear thing?..... + 11 points.
You seem to have forgotten a key point in this equation, and that would be the references to the DC Team Up comics. Which can potentially (along with the reference in I Am Legend) be a "teaser" to an upcomming Batman And Superman team up movie. Thats +15 points, brining our new total to 47/100
Suck it Trebek
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