Instead of giving tired gifts like roses, heart shaped things, or cards, why not write a poem for her? If you're not able to write a poem, just copy one out of a poetry collection. There's no way she knows every poem ever written, right? She would be a nerd or a freak if she did, and you don't deserve that. But be sure the poem has something to do with love, of course.
Or why not donate money to have a tree planted in her name, or some other worthwhile cause. Or if you're broke, just say that you did. Hell ... tell her that you had a star named after her. And if she asks which star, or where is the documented proof, be sure to have a puppy on hand for a distraction. Don't worry, most shelters give them away for free.
Why not go all out and paint hearts on a bunch of eggs, put those eggs in a Christmas stocking, and put that stocking in a Jack-o-lantern? Bam! You're done for the year. You just saved yourself a bunch of money, and she thinks you're a creative genius.
Glad I could help.
But there should still also be chocolate,
Naturally. The best gift of all may be a bouquet of chocolate bars.
shane, you've saved my love life. and not for the first time.
No problem. Now go forth and be passionate and stuff.
Chocolate bars would be good, but a bouquet of truffles would be better.
Truffles would be better, but I'm easy to please. You could present me with a handful of milk duds and I'd be pretty happy. lol
crap. now i've got crabs.
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