January 13, 2014

Fork vs. Ford

In recent news New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was caught eating pizza with a knife and fork, and apparently that was upsetting to some voters. There was even the word "Forkgate" being thrown around. What's next, people? Throw him out of office if he accidentally wears mismatched socks? 

If there are actual New Yorkers who are upset by the eating habits of their Mayor, they really need to get a grip on reality. How does it matter at all? I wouldn't care if he ate steak with chopsticks, or rice pudding with his bare hands.

Besides, living in Toronto this year has taught me what a true mayoral scandal can be. Rob Ford has already let us know about his eating habits, and I don't think he's using hands or utensils. If the worst thing our Mayor does this month is eat lunch with cutlery, I'd say things are going swell.

In order for other cities to compete in the same scandal realm as Ford they would have to admit to drunk driving through a school playground, or committing adultery on a roller coaster, or eating a baby panda on live television. Eating pizza with a fork? That's not a scandal, it's not even worth calling a faux pas.

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