February 7, 2007

Terrible Super Heroes: # 7-12

I present to thee another installment of awful heroes. Enjoy!

Also, I would like to mention that the idea for hero #8 is from the mind of my brother. Thanks, man. So I ask everyone reading to suggest your own 'Terrible Heroes'. Whichever one I like the most will be added to the next batch of heroes with a fresh cartoon. Time to step up to the plate, y'all.


Sam said...


Anonymous said...


Okay, now down to business:

Canadian Currency Man: can calculate the worth of any person, place, or thing based on the conversion rate in Canuckland

Captain Sigh Interpreter: can decipheer the inner thoughts of any vililain just be hearing them sigh, the trick is to make them sigh of course!

Jerry Seinfeld: some guy from Jersey who has no powers, except that of distraction because his parents gave him the same name as a famous comedian and he was born with the same annoying vocal trait...so blind people sometimes think it IS Seinfeld...so if there's any blind villains that need fixin'!