May 31, 2011

30 Days of Salad

In 24 hours I'm embarking on a journey of discovery and strange hunger. For the month of June I intend to become a vegetarian.

Why? Well, I know plenty of people who are vegetarians for moral and health reasons and I've been interested in trying for some time, so I set myself a challenge: Can I survive a month on nothing but tofu and my wits? I should be able to go one measly month without a hamburger ... right?

Well, I'm giving it a shot. I want to see if it impacts my health, my weight, and how I feel. Will it be surprisingly easy, or surprisingly difficult? Will I crack on the 15th of June and tackle someone eating a hot-dog on the street? Will I get frustrated making meatless meals and end up eating celery until I cry? June has all the answers.

The plan is to cut out beef, pork, poultry, and seafood. No animals of any kind. But I'm not going to go crazy and stop eating things like eggs, dairy, and honey. I have my limits, and I can't go without my candied cheese omelets.

I also plan to blog about my progress throughout the month to share my feelings (and drawings) on the experiment that may save the lives of dozens, if not hundreds of animals. So this is it. Tomorrow night I will drink my last bacon smoothie and go to bed, ready to face a month of steak-less antics.

God, please don't let "Ribfest" roll into town next week.


cole d'arc said...


kingshearte said...

All I can advise is to go easy on the tofu. There is some evidence that soy is not quite as good for us as we've been led to believe. Nuts and beans are still good protein sources.

Good luck, though. Despite being a devoted meat-eater, I have loved ones who are not, so if you run out of ideas and want some recipes, let me know.

Shane said...

I don't really plan on eating a lot of tofu, I mostly mentioned it as I associate it with vegetarians. That being said, I can't believe for a minute that soy is not good for us. I mean, it's in all the most delicious foods ... like ... (deep breath) ... hmm ... (slow exhale) uuuuuuuhhhhhhh ... I'll tell you what, I'll get back to you on that.

Anyway, looks like it gonna be all nuts, beans, and rice for a while. Yah! I welcome any and all recipes.

Ass Your Hole said...

Just had a Salad myself, topped with fresh squeezed lime juice... and 1/2lb of BACON instead of lettuce. I also opted for wild boar sausages instead of tomatoes. Oh and I did recycle the bacon grease as a "salad dressing".