August 31, 2012

Cine-verse! American Beauty (1999)

**To the tune of The Brady Bunch Theme**

Here's a story of a screwy father
Who really wants to bone his daughter's friend.
He quit his job and now ... wants to get high.
He says he'll be dead in the end.

And here's a story of perfect mother.
Who really wants to be a true success.
She sleeps around and learns ... to shoot a handgun.
Turns out she emotionally a mess.

And here's a story of their really fucked up neighbours.
There's a boy and constant filming is his bag.
His mom is like a robot at the table.
His abusive father is afraid that he's a fag.

American! American! That's the beauty of being American!



cole d'arc said...

goddamn i hate that movie

Shane said...

It was alright. It took me more than twelve years to actually sit down and watch the whole thing, but I think that was a good thing.