May 30, 2007

Contagious Wear

I've been in Korea long enough to have stopped looking for weird text on people's clothes. When I'm with the right people, it can become a fun pastime to see who can find the funniest t-shirt being worn at the mall. But in many ways I've become desensitized to it.

Today, after talking with a student for ten minutes, I suddenly became aware that her t-shirt -which was bright pink and red with a cute character in the center- had the following written on it "She enjoy making She is a very inordinately Happy Virus".

The 'Happy Virus' part was written in large bubble letters underneath the cute girl character. I don't really know what any of that could mean. While the shirt tells us that the character is a happy virus, I find it more strange that she is an inordinately happy virus. What a word to use.

Look out people! This girl is overly happy and excessively infectious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You live in Retardoworld...across the border from Bizzarovania