October 29, 2011

Affordable Scares

Here are some things I found at the local dollar emporium for Halloween fun on the cheap. Join me, won't you, for this shopping adventure.

Why would you need two clown noses in one package?  Well, you'll naturally have the first one punched off your face, so it's best to have a spare handy.

This bag seems to contain only a hollow black plastic sphere. How that makes it a weapon, I don't know.  I'm assuming some Chinese manufacturer had a bunch of extra plastic balls from their toy bowling sets and decided to just slap a Halloween label on them. Let the kids figure out what weapon it is. That's what imaginations are for.
Nothing says scary like purple glitter. Just think of how easily you'll fool your friends when they think you've grown your nails several inches and bedazzled them. Plus, if you don't want to go as the usual glam witch like all the other kids, you can always use them to transform into a gay werewolf.
Are you tired off all those other time consuming Hobo costume kits? I sure am. Time to move up to the INSTANT HOBO package. I'm assuming this bag is just filled with some dirt and cigarette butts for you to rub all over your clothes, face, and hair.

Also, just look at that vivid artwork. I can't tell if this hobo is smoking a carrot, or eating a metal-tipped turd.

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