September 1, 2013

The Age of Getting Older

It's been a weird year. Having just turned 30 in July I'm facing the dawn of a new life phase. I think that means I need to be more mature, take care of my body, focus on my career, make babies and such, but you will have to tear this comic book and ice cream sandwich from angry hands before that happens.

I know I'm getting older because I see a chasm stretching out between me and popular culture, and it grows everyday. That's not always a bad thing since whatever it was that happened at the VMA's this year was an ugly, gross, and stupid affair. I'm pretty sure it alienated all human beings, not just the old ones.

These days I find myself caring less and less about what people think of me and my choices, which is nice. But I'm also becoming angrier and angrier at other people's choices, which can't be good for my health. All my life it's been the small stuff that bothers me: You tell me that a family member was devoured by wild dogs ... ah, c'est la vie. You tell me the egg yolk broke ... I storm out of the room knocking shit over.

Maybe that's what getting older is all about. You stop caring about what's cool, you bitch more about the little things, and learn to love who you are along the way. Sounds alright.

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