September 10, 2010

The Food Cycle

Just like Mufasa said in "The Lion King", we are all part of the circle of life. A chicken eats a worm, you eat the chicken, a giant space worm eats you. It's beautiful, really.

All aspects of life obey the laws of this cycle, including the crummy food served in school cafeterias around the world. Here is a diagram I sketched up about 8 years ago. Man I feel old.


cole d'arc said...

we're so fucking old

Shane said...

And how! Remember how things were different in the past and stuff? Those were the days. The old days. The days of old. Ye olde days of yore.

RyHoMagnifico said...

This image has reappeared on your blog, but I still don't see any of the others!

Man, food is delicious.

Shane said...

Food IS delicious. I've spent my life researching it.

The picture is viewable on this post because I've uploaded it again as a test. Will is disappear again? Will it encourage the others to reappear as well? Who knows.

I'm scared.