September 29, 2010

Ranch Fresco

I'm currently working on another movie challenge that will be on it's way before long, but I figured I would reveal the answers to Round III's "Movie in the Middle" challenge. Here they are, and if you got all of them correct, your trophy is in the mail. For the rest of you, please accept this imaginary participation ribbon. Moving on ...

I noticed the Subway near my work is hiring; a sign in the window described employees as "Sandwich Artists". That seems like a pretty fancy job title for someone who makes sandwiches. Artist? What is artistic about placing ingredients in a pile according to someone's preference?

"Here's your sandwich, I layered the cheese so that you may see it in greater relief. I really think those tomatoes pop. And you'll be impressed with the squeeze patterns of chipotle sauce I arranged. Yes, the bread is my canvas and I'm a regular Vincent van Toast."

Give me a break. Additionally, I'm sick of every store and franchise wanting me to become a fan of it on Facebook or following it on Twitter. I really really don't need to see status updates for Quiznos or make Dunkin Donuts an Internet friend.


RyHoMagnifico said...

I've always wondered if there's someone out there that has every single "thing" they like added to their facebook and their twitter.

They might constantly get updates about Al Roker and how fresh the patties are at Wendy's.

kingshearte said...

Is "Sandwich Artist" new to you? They've been calling them that for quite some time now, as ridiculous as it is.

I think it's even more ridiculous than my job title of "Customer Experience Representative." Which, btw, actually made me snort in my orientation way back when.

Shane said...

The term is not new to me, but I figured I would make a joke about it now. Some say my humor isn't timely, but I say it's timeless.

And what's the deal with DOS you guys? Tedious, am I right? Huh, huh. And don't get me started on analog television signals! Like that's ever going to catch on!

kingshearte said...

You're right. It is timeless. Calling Subway employees "sandwich artist" will never not be funny. How could it be?

(I hope my previous comment didn't come across as too snarky. I actually wasn't intending that.)

Shane said...

It didn't come across as snarky, and I know that for sure because my snark alarm didn't go off. lol