March 31, 2007

ZOMBIES : Part One

I thought it was high time that I did a comic involving one of my greatest passions in life: zombies. This comic stars Mitch and Roland in a balls out zombie adventure. Obviously you should click the images for a larger view. We begin with a cliched dark and lonely night....

I hope this has whet your appetite. Expect part two in the coming weeks, and also expect a dramatic increase in zombies.
Hey, there wasn't a single zombie, this has been another bait and switch.
Keep your pants on, it takes time. We've got to build up anticipation, set the mood. The technical term is 'comic foreplay'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suffer from what's called "comic premature ejaculation" or at least I think that's what its ex wife DID laugh at me during it...
Anyway, LOVE the zombie strip...its going to be awesome...great flow, great humour, great style man