January 12, 2007

From The Library of Funktastic

I think in many ways the books we read as a child define who we become in life. Those first few bits of colorful literature that we get our mitts on definitely influence us. When I was just a lad I can remember totally loving Dr. Seuss, Robert Munsch, Shel Silverstein, and my ultimate favourite, Roald Dahl. They still rock to this day.

Whether you were reading The Berenstain Bears, or The Adventures of Tintin, I'm sure you still hold fond memories of those readings. The children I teach all seem to be hooked on mangas and Harry Potter, and they will all grow up wanting to be ninjas, robots, and wizards. Those are fine aspirations.

Anyway, not all children's books are wonderful and appropriate for the youth. Here are the worst:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Puberty is Wrong!" Definetely a US Republican release...they think its evil to be born, because you touch vagina out of wedlock...

However, "Things That Fit in Your Mouth", definetely NOT Republican, because it has a homoerotic connontation...and "those queers can't read!" So sayd Condoleeza Rice