January 3, 2012

A Whole Half Decade

Happy New Year, and salutations to you all. With the dawn of 2012 comes another important date: the five year anniversary of the very blog you're reading. Hoorah!

There have been ups and downs, redesigns, malfunctions, and plenty of creative outlets and projects (not all of which succeeded). But I've stuck with this little blog since 2007 and that takes some amount of commitment. To put it into perspective, Turnipism has lasted longer than the equivalent of twenty-five Kardashian marriages. Let that information sink in.

To celebrate this occasion I thought I would look back and pick out some various highlights of things I've written, drawn, or folded over the years. Yes, it's a shameless self promotion, but hopefully I can encourage newcomers to explore the backlog of material, or for dedicated readers to relive the memories. Join me, won't you?


My very first Mitch and Roland comic. Little did I know that they would eventually become mascots for the site. Behold the crudeness of that first drawing!

- Love hearing someone gripe? I made observations about life in Korea and ranted on topics such as public washrooms, the abuse of pizza, and China's heavenly foods.

- I'm proud of myself for writing the line "I'd still ride down a mountain of nuns on a toboggan made of children just for a chance to see it again." It was for my awesome movie trailer.


- 2008 was an important year because it's when I started the sister blog, Five-O-Rama, to compile all sorts of random bits of information into easily digestible groups of five. Some good friends got involved and now it's a group effort to educate the masses about anything from favorite movies to unhealthiest fast food; from most spectacular mustaches to most famous sandworms. It's got something for everyone and I highly recommend checking it out.

- I also found time to rant about a number of topics like knock-off DVD's, Daylight Savings Time, and illogical lawsuits.


- Do you know the dangers of Ice Fog? No? Well, how about the dangers of time machines? Or the dangers of excessive skin care? Well, listen up. I'm here to educate as well as entertain.

- I shared some videos of other hobbies of mine, like origami and paper cup stacking. Be in awe of my misuse of free time.

- To compete with the excessively large girl and boy groups that make up the K-Pop music industry, I made plans to form a ultra mega super group called the Diva Dozen.


- As we delved deeper into my origami obsession I challenged myself to fold the smallest paper crane possible. How small did I manage? You'll have to click another link to find out.

- In March I had some fun writing parodies to songs by Katy Perry, Billy Joel, and Ke$ha. They are best enjoyed by singing along at your maximum achievable volume.

- In case you think everything was hunky-dory that year, I still had plenty of things to bitch about like filthy coins, smokers, and a refrigerator from hell. Spoiler alert!: They all suck.


- In June I decided to become a vegetarian for the month as a way of challenging/ abusing myself. It was ... interesting.

- Between watching movies and making games about them, I also started writing poems about them. More of those are on the horizon, by the way.

- I know it was only a few months ago, but if you love Halloween and werewolves then please take a gander at this comic I drew frantically over a few days.

Anyway, Happy New Year, everybody! Here's to another 12 months or so before the world is obliterated by some catastrophe the Mayans foretold. I haven't done the research myself, but I hope it's zombies.


kingshearte said...

To be fair, Klhoe's been married to Lamar for a few years now.

cole d'arc said...

shut this damn thing down!

(i'm really glad i don't get kingshearte's reference)

Shane said...

I will never shut this thing down! Unless I become bored or unmotivated.

If you don`t get her reference, then may I suggest you pay more attention to celebrity news and gossip. That shit is what shapes out society.